Description: Locations where river flow or stage measurements have been recorded. These locations are derived from Environment Canterbury's Gaugings Database. Each record summarises the date of the first and most recent survey, the number of surveys recorded for the site, whether the site is monitored for a specific reason (such as for compliance or low flow monitoring purposes) and lists the minimum and maximum surveyed flows recorded.
Description: Locations where river and stream flows have been measured. These locations are derived from Environment Canterbury's Gaugings Database. Each record summarises the date of the first and most recent survey, the number of surveys recorded for the site, whether the site is monitored for a specific reason (such as for compliance or low flow monitoring purposes) and lists the minimum and maximum surveyed flows recorded.
Description: Locations where rainfall measuremnts have been recorded. These locations are derived from Environment Canterbury's Gaugings Database. If the site is continuously monitored, summaries of the recorded daily rainfall for previous 7 dayas are listed. This information is drawn from Environment Canterbury's Telemetry Network.
Description: State of Environment (SOEM) Management Zones for water charging.
Previously called Water Management Accountability Zones proposed and defined by Bryan Jenkins, Chief Executive, ECan 5 Dec 2008.
Digitised from a mixture of main catchments, groundwater allocation and surface water allocation zones.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...