Description: S-map's primary map layer is soil classes, i.e. delineated areas that are labelled with the soil family name. Each soil family is defined as a unique combination of attributes (NZSC classification, parent material, rock type, dominant texture and permeability class). Soil classes are further characterised as siblings according to their depth to rock class, stoniness, land type, drainage, texture (more detailed), functional horizons and miscellaneous variant information. The uncertainty of each of these family and sibling attribute classes is specified. Associated with the soil class layer will be additional map layers of fundamental and derived soil properties. The fundamental soil properties are depth (diggability), depth to slowly permeable layer, rooting depth, rooting barrier, horizon thickness, stoniness, clay and sand content.
They are developed from sample information and expert knowledge. The derived soil layers are each based on a model (or pedo-transfer function). Some models are simple lookup tables that depend only on the soil class. Others combine various soil, land use, vegetation, climate or topographic attributes in a mathematical formula. Derived layers will include available water (mm), macroporosity, water retention, bulk density, total carbon, total nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, cation exchange capacity, pH, and phosphorus retention
Description: Soil information sourced from S-Map with supplemental information synthesized from NZLRI for those areas where S-Map is not available. Prepared by Landcare Research.
S-map's primary map layer is soil classes, i.e. delineated areas that ar
labelled with the soil family name. Each soil family is defined as a unique
combination of attributes (NZSC classification, parent material, rock type,
dominant texture and permeability class). Soil classes are further characterised
as siblings according to their depth to rock class, stoniness, land type,
drainage, texture (more detailed), functional horizons and miscellaneous variant
information. The uncertainty of each of these family and sibling attribute
classes is specified. Associated with the soil class layer will be additional
map layers of fundamental and derived soil properties. The fundamental soil
properties are depth (diggability), depth to slowly permeable layer, rooting
depth, rooting barrier, horizon thickness, stoniness, clay and sand content.
They are developed from sample information and expert knowledge. The derived
soil layers are each based on a model (or pedo-transfer function). Some models
are simple lookup tables that depend only on the soil class. Others combine
various soil, land use, vegetation, climate or topographic attributes in a
mathematical formula. Derived layers will include available water (mm),
macroporosity, water retention, bulk density, total carbon, total nitrogen,
phosphorus, calcium, cation exchange capacity, pH, and phosphorus retention.
Description: Soil depth (Webb & Lilburne 2011) is defined according to a traditional agronomic concept of soil depth (Taylor & Pohlen 1970). In a practical sense, it can be thought of as the depth to a layer that makes augering or digging difficult. Soil depth is identified as the depth to:
Description: Soil texture profile is defined in Webb and Lilburne (2011). Texture can be specified as either a single texture or a compound texture profile
Description: Soil drainage is a relatively simple classification of the soil profile that describes the likelihood of seasonal wetness. It is based on the occurrence within specific depths of redox segregation and low chroma colours indicative of waterlogging and reduction (Webb and Lilburne, 2011).
Name: Soil Moisture - Average Profile Available Water at 1m
Display Field: LongSoilName
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The amount of water potentially available to plant growth that can be stored in the soil to 100 cm depth. Profile available water takes into account variations in soil horizons and is expressed in units of millimetres of water, i.e. in the same way as rainfall. Plants can only extract water where roots can grow. Thus where a root barrier occurs within 100 cm, the PAW reported will be the PAW to the root barrier. It is important to recognise that PAW is a potential value and not all the water is equally available.
Description: Soils on irrigable land within Canterbury have been classified into a set of core groups, for the use in modelling of nutrient leaching behaviour. Soil groups are defined according to the differences in the profile available water, separating the soils with poor drainage.
Description: The vulnerability of land to leach nitrate to groundwater. The rating is based on the capacity of the soil to store water (profile available water) and the potential for nitrogen to be attentuated via denitrification, which is associated with anaerobic conditions.
Description: The vulnerability of land to leach phosphorus to groundwater. The rating is based on the combination of phosphorus retention and effective thickness of fine soil material on a whole-profile basis.
Description: The vulnerability to surface runoff. Describes the potential for fine particulate matter, including microbes, aggregates of microbial matter, soil organic matter, phosphorus particles (either fertiliser materials or sediment particles with attached P), or fine sediment to be carried by surface runoff flow into surface water bodies. The rating is estimated from a combination of slope class, soil drainage, depth to an impermeable or a slowly permeable horizon, and permeability of soil above the impermeable or slowly permeable horizon.
Description: The vulnerability of land to leach microbes, phosphorus, pesticides and organic molecules throughbypass flow. Water transmitted through macropores bypasses the finer pores of the matrix and transports attendant contaminants rapidly through the soil into the vadose zone. The rating is based on soil classification, soil structure, and soil attributes that promote ponding.
Description: The New Zealand Fundamental Soil Layer originates from a relational join of features from two databases: the New Zealand Land Resource Inventory (NZLRI), and the National Soils Database (NSD).
The NZLRI is a national polygon database of physical land resource information, including a soil unit. Soil is one in an inventory of five physical factors (including rock, slope, erosion, and vegetation) delineated by physiographic polygons at approximately 1:50,000 scale. The NSD is a point database of soil physical, chemical, and mineralological characteristics for over 1500 soil profiles nationally. A relational join between the NZLRI dominant soil and derivative tables from the NSD was the means by which 14 important soil attributes were attached to the NZLRI polygons. Some if these attributes originate from exact matches with NSD records, while others derive from matches to similar soils or are simply professional estimates.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...