Soil information sourced from S-Map with supplemental information synthesized from NZLRI for those areas where S-Map is not available. Prepared by Landcare Research.
S-map's primary map layer is soil classes, i.e. delineated areas that ar
labelled with the soil family name. Each soil family is defined as a unique
combination of attributes (NZSC classification, parent material, rock type,
dominant texture and permeability class). Soil classes are further characterised
as siblings according to their depth to rock class, stoniness, land type,
drainage, texture (more detailed), functional horizons and miscellaneous variant
information. The uncertainty of each of these family and sibling attribute
classes is specified. Associated with the soil class layer will be additional
map layers of fundamental and derived soil properties. The fundamental soil
properties are depth (diggability), depth to slowly permeable layer, rooting
depth, rooting barrier, horizon thickness, stoniness, clay and sand content.
They are developed from sample information and expert knowledge. The derived
soil layers are each based on a model (or pedo-transfer function). Some models
are simple lookup tables that depend only on the soil class. Others combine
various soil, land use, vegetation, climate or topographic attributes in a
mathematical formula. Derived layers will include available water (mm),
macroporosity, water retention, bulk density, total carbon, total nitrogen,
phosphorus, calcium, cation exchange capacity, pH, and phosphorus retention. |