Name: Liquefaction occurrence - September 2010 Darfield (Canterbury) Earthquake
Display Field: GROUP_
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Liquefaction mapping from aerial and satellite photos and site visit data following the Darfield (Canterbury) Earthquake of4 September2010, also incorporating data from external review comments.Accompanying report is Brackley (comp), 2012, Review of liquefaction hazard information in eastern Canterbury, including Christchurch City and parts of Selwyn, Waimakariri and Hurunui Districts. Environment Canterbury report R12/83(Figure A3.9). Please refer to this report for explanation of attribute fields.
Copyright Text: University of Canterbury, ECan, Landcare, Greg Curline, GNS Science.
Name: Liquefaction occurrence - February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake
Display Field: GROUP_
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Liquefaction mapping from aerial and satellite photos and site visit data following the Christchurch Earthquake of 22 February 2011, also incorporating data from external review comments.Accompanying report is Brackley (comp), 2012, Review of liquefaction hazard information in eastern Canterbury, including Christchurch City and parts of Selwyn, Waimakariri and Hurunui Districts. Environment Canterbury report R12/83(Figure A3.10). Please refer to this report for explanation of attribute fields.
Copyright Text: University of Canterbury, ECan, Landcare, Greg Curline, GNS Science.
Name: Eastern Canterbury liquefaction susceptibility line (2012)
Display Field: LENGTH_M
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline
Description: This dataset is the boundary between liquefaction zones as defined inFigure 2.1 ofBrackley (comp), 2012, Review of liquefaction hazard information in eastern Canterbury, including Christchurch City and parts of Selwyn, Waimakariri and Hurunui Districts,Environment Canterbury report R12/83. There are two zones: Damaging Liquefaction Unlikely and Liquefaction Assessment Needed. The zones exclude those areas already classified into Technical Categories by the Department of Building and Housing (now Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment).The zones are primarily for use by territorial authorities to help them decide whether a separate geotechnical assessment relating to liquefaction will be needed for development, and for subdivision and building permits to be granted.
Copyright Text: GNS Science, Beca, Lincoln University, Golder Associates, Coffey Geotechnics Ltd, Tonkin & Taylor Ltd, Environment Canterbury.
Description: This dataset outlines liquefaction zones as defined in Figure 2.1 of Brackley (comp), 2012, Review of liquefaction hazard information in eastern Canterbury, including Christchurch City and parts of Selwyn, Waimakariri and Hurunui Districts. Environment Canterbury report R12/83.There are two zones: Damaging Liquefaction Unlikely and Liquefaction Assessment Needed. The zones exclude those areas already classified into Technical Categoriesby the Department of Building and Housing (now Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment).The zones are primarily for use by territorial authorities to help them decide whether a separate geotechnical assessment relating to liquefaction will be needed for development, and for subdivision and building permits to be granted.
Copyright Text: GNS Science, Beca, Lincoln University, Golder Associates, Coffey Geotechnics Ltd, Tonkin & Taylor Ltd, Environment Canterbury.
Description: Zones showing areas of different liquefaction susceptibility and recommended level of liquefaction assessment to be undertaken before building on the site. The zones are based mainly on geological, soil and groundwater information, and information collected after the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake.The zones do not show the likelihood of liquefaction over any given time frame, they simply show the susceptibility of the sediments to liquefaction during strong earthquake shaking based on the properties of the soil. Likelihoods of liquefaction over a given time frame would be assessed in a site specific investigation and design stage, if required.Accompanying report is Golder Associates Ltd, 2019, Liquefaction Study for Kaikoura District. available from Environment Canterbury or Kaikoura District Council.
Copyright Text: Drawn by Golder Associates Ltd, 2019
Description: This layer delineates zones of liquefaction susceptibility. The zones are based on simplified geological groupings. The shapefile is based on the 1:250,000 map in the Earthquake Hazard Assessment for Kaikoura District (Yetton & McCahon, 2009), but uses the more accurate boundaries of geological units directly from the Kaikoura 1:250,000 geological map shapefile (Rattenbury et al, 2006) as the zone boundaries.
Copyright Text: Dataset created by Helen Grant, Environment Canterbury, 2009.
Unique Value Renderer: Field 1: Descriptn Field 2: N/A Field 3: N/A Field Delimiter: ; Default Symbol:
Default Label: N/A UniqueValueInfos:
Value: Zone of low liquefaction potential. Holocene alluvium, possibility of local areas of liquefaction, limited in extent and area. Label: Zone of low liquefaction potential: Holocene alluvium, possibility of local areas of liquefaction, limited in extent and area. Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Zone of very low liquefaction potential. Alluvium older than Holocene, very small possibility of liquefaction in local, isolated areas. Label: Zone of very low liquefaction potential: Alluvium older than Holocene, very small possibility of liquefaction in local, isolated areas. Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Zone of extremely low to no liquefaction potential. Rock or hill soils. Label: Zone of nil to extremely low liquefaction potential: Rock or hill soils. Description: N/A Symbol:
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: The datasetshows zones of different liquefaction susceptibilitywithin Hurunui district.The dataset is based on the 1:250,000 liquefaction potential maps(Figures 2 and 3)in McCahon (2011) Liquefaction hazard in Hurunui District. Environment Canterbury report number R11/61, but uses the more accurate boundaries of geological units directly from the GNS Science QMAP (1:250,000) geological map series (Greymouth, Kaikoura and Christchurch map sheets)as the zone boundaries. The McCahon (2011)report also used the surface geology from the GNS Science QMAP series, with limited borehole information, to delineate areas of liquefaction potential, but the maps in the report were not developed in GIS and are not adequately georeferenced. NOTE: The southeastern part of this dataset (around Leithfield, Leithfield Beach and Amberley Beach) has been superseded by Brackley (comp), 2012, Review of liquefaction hazard information in eastern Canterbury, including Christchurch City and parts of Selwyn, Waimakariri and Hurunui districts, Environment Canterbury report R12/83.
Copyright Text: This dataset was created by Helen Grant and Nick Griffiths at Environment Canterbury, 2011, based on the report McCahon (2011) Liquefaction hazard in Hurunui District, Environment Canterbury report number R11/61.
Description: The datasetshows zones of different liquefaction susceptibility within Waimakariri district.The dataset is based on the 1:250,000 liquefaction potential maps (Figure7.1) in Yetton & McCahon(2009) Earthquake Hazard Assessment for Waimakariri District. Environment Canterbury report number R09/32, but uses the more accurate boundaries of geological units directly from the GNS Science QMAP (1:250,000) geological map series as the zone boundaries. The Yetton & McCahon (2009) report also used the surface geology from the GNS Science QMAP series, with limited borehole information, to delineate areas of liquefaction potential, but the maps in the report were not developed in GIS and are not adequately georeferenced. NOTE: The eastern part of this dataset has been superseded by Brackley, H. (comp), 2012, Review of liquefaction hazard information in Eastern Canterbury, including Christchurch City and parts of Selwyn, Waimakariri and Hurunui Districts. Environment Canterbury report number R12/83.
Copyright Text: This dataset was created by Helen Jack at Environment Canterbury, 2014, based on the report Yetton & McCahon (2009) Earthquake Hazard Assessment for Waimakariri District. Environment Canterbury report number R09/32.
Description: This dataset delineates zones of liquefaction susceptibility. The zones have been digitised from the liquefactionpotential map(Figure 7.1)inYetton & McCahon, 2006,Selwyn District Engineering Lifelines Project:Earthquake Hazard Assessment. Environment Canterbury report U06/7.The eastern part of this dataset has been superseded by Brackley (comp), 2012, Review of liquefaction hazard information in eastern Canterbury, including Christchurch City and parts of Selwyn, Waimakariri and Hurunui districts, Environment Canterbury report R12/83.This dataset will be redrawn in 2014 using themore accurate1:250,000 QMAP geological map unit boundaries.
Copyright Text: Dataset created by Nick Griffiths, Environment Canterbury, 2012, digitised from the original report.
Description: This dataset delineates zones of liquefaction susceptibility. The zones have been digitised from the liquefaction potential map (Figure 7.1) in Yetton & McCahon, 2002, Ashburton District Engineering Lifelines Project: Earthquake Hazard Assessment. Environment Canterbury report U02/55. The northwestern part of the district was not included in the mapping because it is very sparsely populated. This dataset will be redrawn in 2014 using the more accurate 1:250,000 QMAP geological map unit boundaries.
Copyright Text: Dataset created by Nick Griffiths, Environment Canterbury, 2012, digitised from the original report.
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>This dataset provides liquefaction vulnerability categories for </SPAN><SPAN>Ashburton</SPAN><SPAN> </SPAN><SPAN>District</SPAN><SPAN>, </SPAN><SPAN>February 2024</SPAN><SPAN>. The vulnerability categories are those set out in the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment and Ministry for the Environment's 2017 </SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-style:italic;">Planning and engineering guidance for potentially liquefaction-prone land</SPAN><SPAN>. </SPAN><SPAN>The categories were derived from a Level A (Basic Desktop) assessment using available geological, geomorphological, topographical, aerial imagery, groundwater and seismic hazard information. The accompanying report is Jack, H., 202</SPAN><SPAN>4</SPAN><SPAN>, </SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-style:italic;">Revis</SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-style:italic;">ed</SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-style:italic;"> liquefaction information for </SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-style:italic;">Ashburton</SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-style:italic;"> District</SPAN><SPAN>. </SPAN><SPAN>Environment Canterbury report R2</SPAN><SPAN>4</SPAN><SPAN>/</SPAN><SPAN>01</SPAN><SPAN>.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Copyright Text: Drawn by Helen Jack, Environment Canterbury. Peer reviewed by Nick Traylen, Geotech Consulting (NZ) Ltd.
Description: This dataset delineates zones of liquefaction susceptibility. The zones are based on simplified geological groupings. Most of the dataset, outside of Timaru township, is based on the 1:300,000 Timaru district liquefaction potential map(Figure 1) in McCahon, 2013, Liquefaction Hazard in Timaru District (Environment Canterbury report R13/29) but uses the more accurate boundaries of geological units directly from the GNS Science1:250,000 QMAP geological map shapefile as the zone boundaries. In Timaru township, including the three areas of moderate liquefaction potential and three zones of low potential, the zones are digitised directly from the 1:25,000 Timaru township liquefaction potential map (Figure 2) in the above report, and also from Borelog Location sheets 3 (1:4,000), 4 (1:5,000) and 6 (1:10,000) from Appendix E of the above report. These zones differ from the zones in the 1:300,000 map (Figure 1), and from the 1:250,000 QMAP geological map unit boundaries, but are assumed to be more accurate.
Copyright Text: Dataset created by Helen Jack, Environment Canterbury, 2013.
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>This dataset provides liquefaction vulnerability categories for Mackenzie District, September 2023. The vulnerability categories are those set out in the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment and Ministry for the Environment's 2017 </SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-style:italic;">Planning and engineering guidance for potentially liquefaction-prone land</SPAN><SPAN>. The categories were derived from a Level A (Basic Desktop) assessment using available geological, geomorphological, topographical, aerial imagery, groundwater and seismic hazard information. The accompanying report is Jack, H., 2023, </SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-style:italic;">Revised liquefaction information for Mackenzie District.</SPAN><SPAN>Environment Canterbury report R23/44.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Copyright Text: Drawn by Helen Jack, Environment Canterbury, September 2023. Peer reviewed by Nick Traylen, Geotech Consulting (NZ) Ltd., LINZ - Land Information New Zealand
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>This dataset provides liquefaction vulnerability categories for Waimate District. The vulnerability categories are those set out in the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment and Ministry for the Environment's 2017 </SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-style:italic;">Planning and engineering guidance for potentially liquefaction-prone land.</SPAN><SPAN>The categories were derived from a Level A (Basic Desktop) assessment using available geological, geomorphological, topographical, aerial imagery, groundwater and seismic hazard information. The accompanying report is Jack, H., 2023, </SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-style:italic;">Revised liquefaction information for Waimate District</SPAN><SPAN>. Environment Canterbury report R23/26.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN /></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Copyright Text: Drawn by Helen Jack, Environment Canterbury. Peer reviewed by Nick Traylen, Geotech Consulting (NZ) Ltd.
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>This dataset provides</SPAN><SPAN>updated</SPAN><SPAN>liquefaction vulnerability categories for the Canterbury part of Waitaki District. The vulnerability categories are those set out in the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment and Ministry for the Environment's 2017 </SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-style:italic;">Planning and engineering guidance for potentially liquefaction-prone land</SPAN><SPAN>. The </SPAN><SPAN>liquefaction </SPAN><SPAN>categories were revised from the liquefaction susceptibility dataset supplied to Environment Canterbury by GNS Science in September 2020 as part of the Waitaki District Plan review. The </SPAN><SPAN>original </SPAN><SPAN>2020 dataset was derived from a Level A (Basic Desktop) assessment using available geological, geomorphological, and groundwater information. </SPAN><SPAN>In this 2023 dataset we have made m</SPAN><SPAN>inor revisions to</SPAN><SPAN>the original 2020</SPAN><SPAN>polygon boundaries to better fit the detail of the geomorphology interpreted from available lidar and aerial imagery, and</SPAN><SPAN>have changed the </SPAN><SPAN>nomenclature and attribute fields to follow the 2017 </SPAN><SPAN>MBIE/MfE liquefaction </SPAN><SPAN>guidance. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Accompanying reports are </SPAN><SPAN>Barrell, D.J.A.</SPAN><SPAN>,</SPAN><SPAN>2020. </SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-style:italic;">Assessment of liquefaction hazards in the Waitaki District within the Canterbury region</SPAN><SPAN>. Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science. 34 p. Consultancy Report 2020/69</SPAN><SPAN> </SPAN><SPAN>and Jack, H., 2023. </SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-style:italic;">Revised liquefaction information for the Canterbury part of Waitaki District</SPAN><SPAN>, Environment Canterbury Science Summary Report</SPAN><SPAN> R23/51</SPAN><SPAN>.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Copyright Text: Original dataset drawn by David Barrell, GNS Science, September 2020. This revision drawn by Helen Jack, Environment Canterbury, October 2023 and reviewed by David Barrell, GNS Science.
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>This map dataset is derived from an office-based (i.e. 'desktop') assessment of available information on geology, geomorphology (i.e. landforms), groundwater conditions, and other data where relevant. This feature class contains areas (polygons) representing the interpreted extent of potentially liquefaction-susceptible ground. The dataset is based largely on broad-scale inferences and should not be used in isolation for any purposes requiring site-specific information. The main purpose of the dataset is to delineate areas where liquefaction hazard may warrant further scrutiny for future planning and development activities..</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Copyright Text: The information in this dataset is described and documented in: Barrell, D.J.A. 2020. Assessment of liquefaction hazards in the Waitaki District within the Canterbury region. Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science. 34 p. Consultancy Report 2020/69.