{ "culture": "en-NZ", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Liquefaction vulnerability categories for Waimate District", "description": "

This dataset provides liquefaction vulnerability categories for Waimate District. The vulnerability categories are those set out in the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment and Ministry for the Environment's 2017 <\/SPAN>Planning and engineering guidance for potentially liquefaction-prone land.<\/SPAN>The categories were derived from a Level A (Basic Desktop) assessment using available geological, geomorphological, topographical, aerial imagery, groundwater and seismic hazard information. The accompanying report is Jack, H., 2023, <\/SPAN>Revised liquefaction information for Waimate District<\/SPAN>. Environment Canterbury report R23/26.<\/SPAN><\/P>

<\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "summary": "Liquefaction vulnerability categories for Waimate District", "title": "Waimate liquefaction vulnerability categories", "tags": [ "Waimate", "liquefaction", "lateral spreading", "earthquake", "liquefaction vulnerability", "hazards" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 150000000, "maxScale": 5000, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Drawn by Helen Jack, Environment Canterbury. Peer reviewed by Nick Traylen, Geotech Consulting (NZ) Ltd.", "licenseInfo": "" }